

國泰港龍航空(Cathay Dragon)要招地勤人員啦~!聽說上次招考已經是好幾年前的事了,學歷要大學以上,工作地點在高雄小港機場,沒有限制多益成績,報名到97日截止,有興趣的不要錯過囉!



螢幕快照 2017-08-24 下午5.10.48.png

Main Purpose of The Job:

  • To perform the day-to-day assigned function to ensure that overall operations run smoothly and efficiently, conform to safety and security requirements; and to ensure our customers always feel special, valued and recognized


Key Responsibilities

  • Perform daily functions to ensure that the operations conform to standard
  • Ensure proficiency in knowledge and skill required for the task
  • Exhibit Service Straight From The Heart to internal and external customers alike
  • Keep abreast and up-to-date with changes in products and services, and with the self-development opportunities
  • Mitigate the impact of flight disruptions and flight irregularities by knowing the contingency handling plan and respective roles and responsibilities
  • Adapt to the situation and be of extraordinary service to the customer; and as directed by management, do what it take to get the operation back to normal
  • Goes the extra mile to care for and make customers feel like someone



  • Taiwan citizen only
  • University degree or above
  • Able to work shift duties and willing to work extended hours
  • Ability to be a team player, reliable and accountable for own performance
  • Consistently interacts with customers in a friendly, professional and intuitive manner, even when under pressure and with demanding customers.
  • Ability to effectively listen to and understand customers and colleagues, articulated and express ideas both orally and in writing in such a way as to be clearly understood
  • Possesses a strong sense of responsibility
  • Good computer skills, including but not limited to MS Word and Excel
  • Strong command of spoken and written Mandarin and English


 Application deadline: 7th September 2017


需要上傳的文件有CV、Cover Letter





【航空・地勤】2017長榮航空 地勤招考 經驗分享

【航空・地勤】2017日本航空 地勤招考





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